4-2-10 NEW: Head coverings worn for religious reasons shall not be made of abrasive or hard materials; and must fit securely.
Rationale: This rule addition will allow student-athletes to express their religious beliefs through the wearing of headwear without the approval from the state.
4-2-11 NEW ARTICLE: In addition to the above permitted uses, state associations (or designee) may on an individual basis permit a player to participate while wearing a head covering for medical or cosmetic reasons if it is required by a licensed physician. A physician’s statement is required before the state association can approve a covering which is not abrasive, hard or dangerous to any other player and which is attached in such a way it is highly unlikely that it will come off during play.
Rationale: Clarifies how the kick is taken and when it is in play.
There are 2 important discrepancies that need to be clarified in this year’s NFHS Soccer Power Point.
1- The wording in the slide 9-2-1c is incorrect. The words “and the goal keeper is not in possession of the ball” should have been deleted in that rule reference. The wording in the rule book is correct.
2- The wording is in the second bullet point on slide 9-1-1b can be confusing. The current wording says “restart with a drop ball to a player of the team last in possession at the spot was it was last played.” The wording “last played” should be interrupted to mean where it struck the outside agent, player, or referee. The referee drops the ball to one player of the team that last touched the ball at the position where it last touched the referee, player, or outside agent.
ART. 4…If the ball becomes deflated during play, it is declared dead where it was last played and the game is resumed by a drop ball between any two opposing players at the spot where it was last played. If the ball becomes deflated within the goal area, then the ball is dropped between two opposing players subject to the provisions of Rule 9-2-2 and 9-2-3. Ball deflated during a penalty kick results in retaken kick.
Rationale: The provisions for a drop ball have changed, refer to 9-2.
ART. 1a…The visiting team shall wear solid white jerseys and solid white socks, and the home team shall wear dark jerseys and socks (dark is defined as any color which contrasts with white). Prior to and during the game, jerseys shall be tucked into the shorts, unless manufactured to be worn outside.
Rationale: Manufacturing practices have changed.
ART. 7…A tooth and mouth protector (intraoral), if worn, shall:
e. not to be completely white; and
f. not to be completely clear.
Rationale: SMAC no longer recommends the mouth protector meet these two criteria; dropping these two requirements brings soccer in line with the other sports that allow mouth guards.
ART. 1…The ball is out of play when:
a. it has completely crossed the goal line or touch line, whether on the ground or in the air;
b. the ball touches an official and remains on the field; and
1. a team starts a promising attack;
2. goes directly into the goal;
3. possession changes
Rationale: This is to address situations where the ball touches a referee and a team gains an advantage.
ART. 1…The game is restarted with a drop ball:
a. when the ball is caused to go out-of-bounds by two opponents simultaneously;
b. when the ball becomes deflated; (2-2-4)
c. following a temporary suspension of play for an injury or unusual situation; (except as noted in 14-1-7) and the goalkeeper is not in possession of the ball.
d. when simultaneous fouls of the same degree occur by opponents; or
e. when the ball touches an official as per 9-1-1b.
Rationale: This proposal prevents an opponent from gaining an advantage.
ART. 3…The ball is dropped by an official from waist level to the ground. The referee drops the ball to one player of the team that last possessed the ball at the position where it was last touched by a player(s), an outside agent or match official. If when play was stopped, the ball was in the penalty area or the last touch, by either team, was in the penalty area, the ball is dropped to the defending team’s goalkeeper with all opposing players outside the penalty area. In all cases, all other players must remain at least 4 yards from the ball until it is in play. Any number of players may contest a dropped ball (including the goalkeeper); a referee cannot decide who may contest a drop ball or its outcome.
Other Rules Affected:
9-2-2 SECTION 2 DROP BALL ART. 2…The ball should be dropped at the location where it became dead unless this is within the goal area, in which case, it shall be dropped on that part of the goal-area line which runs parallel to the goal line nearest the location where the ball was when play was stopped. If the ball was caused to go out of bounds by two opponents simultaneously, the ball is dropped five yards inside the boundary line to one player of the team in possession of the ball prior to the simultaneous touch, unless this is the goal area. (See 9-3) (See 9-2-3)
Rationale: Simplifies the drop ball procedure.
In the case of a temporary injury or unusual situation the game shall be restarted with a drop ball. As in 9-2-3. The referee drops the ball to one player of the team that last touched the ball at the position where it was last touched by a player, an outside agent or match official. If when play was stopped, the ball was in the penalty area or the last touch, by either team, was in the penalty area, the ball is dropped to the defending team’s goalkeeper. In either case, all other players must remain 4 yds from the ball until it is in play. at the point where the ball was when play was suspended (except as noted in 14-1-7) provided the ball was not in the goal area and not in the possession of the goalkeeper (1The ball is dropped f2-8-2). Should there not be clear possession at the time play is suspended due to an injury or unusual situation, there will be a drop ball at the spot where the ball was declared dad subject to the provisions of Rule 9-2-2.
Rationale: Information was redundant.
ART. 3b…For temporary suspension of play for injury or unusual situation and the goalkeeper has possession to the ball as per Rule 9-3 (9-3).
Rationale: Provisions for drop ball changed.
ART. 1…Players opposing the kicker shall be at least 10 yards from the ball until it is kicked, unless they are standing on their own goal line between the goal posts. If the free kick is awarded to the defending team in its penalty area, players opposing the kicker shall be outside the penalty area at least 10 yards from the ball and shall must remain there until the ball is in play clears the penalty area. Where 3 or more defending team players form a wall, all attacking team players must remain at least 1 yard from the wall until the ball is in play.
Rationale: This will allow the ball to be put back into play quicker and will lead to a decrease in confrontational moments during free kicks.
ART. 2…The ball shall be kicked while it is stationary on the ground at the spot specified by the official. To be in play, the ball shall be moved in any direction. If the free kick is awarded to the defending team in its penalty area, the ball is not in play until it is beyond the penalty area and into the field of play. Failure to kick the ball as specified shall result in a rekick.
Rationale: Allows the ball to be put back into play quicker.
NEW ART. 4…For indirect kicks, the referee shall signal an indirect kick (using Official NFHS Soccer Signals Rule 5-3-1b) by raising an arm above the head; this signal shall be maintained until the kick is taken and the ball touches another player or goes out of play. If the referee fails to signal the kick is indirect and the ball goes directly into the opponent's goal, the kick shall be retaken.
Rationale: This clarifies the need to make the signal and prevents punishing the team taking the kick when the referee fails to give the proper signal.
ART. 3…The opposing goalkeeper shall stand with at least one foot on or in-line with the goal line, facing the kicker, between the goal posts, and shall not be touching the goal posts, crossbar, or nets, until the ball is kicked. Lateral or forward movement is allowed, but the goalkeeper is not permitted to come off the line with both feet by stepping or lunging forward until the ball is in play.
Rationale: This clarifies the goalkeeper’s position during the taking of a penalty kick.
ART. 2…Players opposing the kicker shall remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play has cleared the penalty area.
Rationale: Clarifies when the ball is in play.
ART. 3…Once spotted, the ball shall be kicked from the ground from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team. The ball is in play when it is kicked and moves. A goal kick shall clear the penalty area and enter the field of play. If the ball is not kicked beyond the penalty area, the goal kick shall be repeated.
Rationale: Clarifies when the ball is in play.
ART. 4…After the goal kick is properly taken leaves the penalty area, the ball may be played by any player except the one who executes the goal kick. The kicker may not play the ball until it has been touched by another player.
Rationale: Clarifies how the kick is taken and when it is in play.
4-1-1d: If visible apparel is worn under the jersey and/or shorts, it shall be a single solid color matching the predominant color of the respective garment. Visible arm compression sleeves shall be a similar length, all alike and of a solid color matching the predominant color of the jersey. Visible leg compression sleeves shall be of a similar length, all alike and of a solid color matching the predominant color of the shorts.
Rationale: Players often wear compression shorts which are longer than the short or jersey. They should be of the same color. This rule addition is needed to maintain consistency with current uniform rule requirements and color restrictions.
4-2-1 Exception 1: Deleted
Rationale: With the adoption of the change related to the use of headgear as opposed to only headbands, this exception is no longer necessary.
4-2-9: A soft padded headgear that meets the ASTM standard is permitted.
Rationale: This allows for the newer headgear styles that are currently in the market to be used that are not just headbands.
5-1-3f: Unless otherwise prohibited by the state association, electronic communication devices may be used to communicate with crew members.
Rationale: This rule allows, but does not require, the use of common communication devices that are currently available and affordable. This will permit officials to utilize such equipment and improve communication allowing for a better officiated game, if permitted by the state association.
8-1-3: The ball shall be kicked while it is stationary on the ground in the center of the field of play and may clearly move in any direction.
Rationale: Requiring that the ball move forward on the kickoff is meaningless in the modern game.
10-1-3f: A goal may not be scored directly from a kickoff into the kicking team's own goal.
Rationale: This change retains consistency with the concept that a team cannot score against themselves from a free kick, as provided in 10.1.3 c, d and e.
13-1-2: All free kicks, with the exception of penalty kicks, may be taken in any direction. Free kicks are taken from the spot of the foul except for the reasons listed in 13-2-3, which are taken from the location of the ball when the referee stopped play. Free kicks resulting from fouls committed in the goal area are taken as described in 13-1-3 or 13-1-4. Indirect free kicks for offside (13-2-2b) are taken from the spot where the offending player interfered with play, interfered with an opponent or gained an advantage by being in that position.
Rationale: The current rule also does not clearly identify where indirect free kicks for
offside are taken. This change makes it clear.
14-1-4: The ball shall be kicked while it is stationary on the ground from the spot or any place on the penalty mark. To be in play, the ball shall be moved forward. The player taking the penalty kick is permitted to use a stutter step or a hesitation move provided there is no stopping and there is continuous movement toward the ball. Failure to kick the ball as specified shall be considered a violation by the attacking team and the appropriate penalties shall apply. Stutter-stepping is not an interruption in movement.
Rationale: This addition of these sentences clarifies that the stutter step is allowed.
3-3-2, 4-1-1, 5-1-3c, 14-1-3
1. Risk Minimization
2. Referee Communication and Teamwork
3. Restarts
2020 Rule Changes Click Here for PowerPoint